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Abuse and the Media

It's surprising how we only catch certain things the more we age. The movies we watched as a child meant nothing to us, but now they show us not only who we are, but whom we want to be. We have a stable outlook as well as a deeper understanding of things that aren't directly on the surface. Looking back at some of the most beloved movies and TV shows, we'll witness exactly what it was we missed the first time we watched something, and make sure to never let anyone miss it again. 


Being a hard thing to talk about, abuse of any kind may be hidden, but it's becoming more of a problem. we need to be able to talk about certain things no matter how hard it is. Being able to watch it, however, may help us acknowledge the facts that there's more than just one type of abuse. Physical, sexual, phycological, emotional, and neglect are all forms of abuse. the way we treat our kids, or those around us, will be reflected in the way they act, and with us being able to see these things in media of all sorts, we will have an understanding, of not only what we're doing, but we will see signs, and those can show us what we can do to stop it. 

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